Wednesday 8 May 2019

My Craft Room!!

No Design Team work at the moment but definite progress with my craft space. At the moment I have a desk in the corner of our bedroom with some shelves next to it for my cardmaking/papercrafting but I also have craft stuff that has no place to live so is in boxes on my desk and chair that I have to move every time I want to work (Hubby would probably say I've too much craft stuff but on that we agree to disagree!) my sewing stuff is in various places around the house, crochet bag next to the sofa (with yarn stored in any nook/cranny) during craft fair season I also have bags with my stall stuff usually dumped in the dining room. We needed a new shed for lawnmower/bikes/other stuff and decided to 'go large' so 'Hubby's Shed' could be combined with the bikes etc. which would free up his old shed for me 😀
This was our starting point 😨
The new shed was in place and after Hubby had put in some insulation, we were ready to begin.
A skip arrived just before the 4 day Easter weekend and Hubby set about filling it with what he decided was junk (I'm too much of a hoarder to do this part so stayed out of the way apart from taking out cups of tea) We had a trip to Ikea to buy new shelving (and meatballs!) and he put all the useful stuff in his new shed. I now had a better idea of the space I would have. (the lawnmower has gone to it's new home and the spare door has a home to go to, freezer will be replaced with a smaller one)
The damp course is being redone today (which given the weather could be fun!) and we have a builder coming to give us an idea on how much our savings will be reduced by! I'll post more photos as progress is being made but hopefully soon I will have a lovely bright craft room to spread out in 😄

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